티스토리 뷰


영어공부 필수 구동사 80개

마당언니 2023. 1. 15. 23:31

두 개 이상의 단어가 모여 전혀 새로운 의미로 탄생하는 게 바로 구동사입니다..

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break down


(기계의) 작동이 멈추다


The coffee machine at Starbucks is sometimes breaking down.


back up


지지하다, 방어해주다


When one of my friends was making fun of me, Jack backed me up.


call around


다수와 만나다


Joy called around in order to find a nearby programmer.


call off




We called off the party. / We called the party off.


calm down




I should have a few seconds to calm down after that soccer match.


clean up


싹쓸이하다 (높은 성과를 내다),

(문제 되는 행동을) 멈추다,

(구역을) 청소하다


Our Baseball team cleaned up at the tournament.


Her teacher said she should either clean up or find a new school.


John is cleaning up the living room. / John is cleaning the living room up.


check out


사람이나 사물을 확인하다


I need to out the contract. / I need to check the contract out.


come around


의견을 바꾸다, 새로운 관점을 취하다


I never liked fast food, but came around right after trying Berger King.


come between


관계를 방해하다


After more than fifty years of marriage, nothing could come between them.


cheer up


기운을 북돋아주다


Listening music always cheers me up on a gloomy day.


come out of


(어떤 사건으로부터) 발생하다


After we passed a day of school, some good came out of our tiring class trip.


come down on


공격하다, 벌주다


Ever since last week’s accident, government have come down on drunk driving.


come down with




After standing in the rain for several hours, Jessie came down with a cold.


come up


주의를 끌다, 발생하다, 접근하다


Everyone is talking about how much they liked the movie, but the main character never comes up in their conversation.


Never worry about a problem until after it comes up.


Walking outside, a fox came up right next to me and bit my face.


come up with


생각해 내다


Jason comes up with his best ideas at night, so he writes them down before he forgets them.


count on




If I make a mistake, I can count on my brother to warn me.


dress up




Mary dressed up for the award ceremony.


dive into




I’ll dive into that movie later tonight.


end up


결국 ~에 이르다


After thinking for a day, She ended up taking his proposal.


fill up


가득 채우다


Brian filled up his wine glass to the brim. / Brian filled his wine glass up to the


fall apart


서로 떨어지다, 정신적 고통을 겪다


She beared all sorts of harassment at school without flinching but fell apart when his dog got sick.


find out


발견하다, 알아내다


We’ll need to wait until the next TV movie series to find out who the criminal is.


get ahead


성공하다, 진보하다


You would never get ahead at this company If you do not follow the rules.


get across


분명히 설명하다


The professor tried to speak but get nothing across to the students.


get around




It isn’t possible to get around this town without a car.


get around to [x]


결국 ~을 하다


I’ll get around to fixing the machine


get along with


어울려 지내다


My cat gets along with anyone so long as they’re not a dog.


get at


도달하다, 증명하려하다


There’s an itch on my back but I can’t get at it.


What this presentation is getting at is that we are going to be bankrupt by next week.


get away with




Carl thought he got away with cheating until the teacher asked him to stay after class.


get away




Lucy liked going to the mountain every weekend, just to get away from home.


get back




Rodger got his pencil back from Greta. / Rodger got back his pencil from Greta.


get back at




Jack promised himself that he would get back at anyone who started the rumor.


get by


(근근이), 생존하다


When Sara lost her job, the family members had to get by with only their savings.


get down to




We are going to get down to picking teams after everyone arrives.


get down


(방해 없이, 기록해두다


Sandra may be completely formal at work, but she knows how to get down to hip-hop.


Jason always gets everyone down with his stories from the hospital.


The Mayor spoke at the press conference, and some reporters were having trouble with getting all of his comments down.


get in on


(활동에) 참여하다


After Ben started to go up, everyone wanted to get in on the mountain climbing.


get into




We don’t want to get into our finances problem


get over


극복하다, 회복하다


It is proved that drinking a lot of water helps in getting over some illness.


get [x] out of


~로부터 얻다


Babysitting the Gabriel was a nightmare, but Jane got some money out of it.


get to


성가시게 하다


People that don’t clean up after their dogs get to me.


get through




Alice couldn’t get through that morning without coffee.


get together




The hockey team is getting together for lunch after practice.


give away


내주다, 기부하다


Minho gave away his prized doll collection. / Minho gave his prized doll collection away.


give up




Carl felt like giving up whenever he saw the scoreboard.


give up


그만두다, 멈추다


Minji gave up chocolate for her diet. / Minji gave chocolate up for her diet.


go ahead




Owing to the snow, we couldn’t go ahead with the festival.


go against


대항하다, 맞서다


A lot of students have gone against the school dress code for 20 days.


go along with




Although Calvin hated weight lifting, he had to go along with it because of his coach’s suggestion.


go for


(승리를 위해)노력하다


Emma has trainen so hard because she is going for an Olympic medal.


go on




The boys will be going on digging till they hit a water pipe.


go over




Mary went over the study guide before the mid test.


hold back


억누르다, 막다


I planned to become an architect, but my grades held me back.

hand in




The teacher wanted us to hand in our essays.


keep up




Please keep this pace up so that you can set a new record!


let down




Kamal let Marco down when he arrived late. / Kamal let down Marco when he arrived late.


look after




Thank you for helping me when my son was sick.


leave out




Kate forgot to leave out the graph from the presentation. / Kate forgot to leave the graph out of the presentation.


let go of




Never let go of the rope until he is safe.


let in


허용하다, 들이다


If you don’t close the door, you will let the flies in!


let know




Let him know as soon as Lisa texts back.


look up to




I have looked up to this YouTuber.


mix up




It isn’t hard to mix up Charles and Carl.


pull up




Bora pulled the memo up on her computer. / Bora pulled up the memo on her computer.


put up with


참다, 견디다


Paul could not put up with Jane’s cynical attitude.


put on


입다, 걸치다


I usually put my backpack on before I leave the house.


run out of




Jessie ran out of toilet paper.


see to




He used to see to watering the plants.


set up




Because nobody invited me to join the study group, I set one up by myself.


show off




Paul didn’t need to shoot many three-pointers; he just wanted to show off.


shut off




Remember to shut the water off after use


take out




Do you mind taking the garbage out before lunch?


take after




Linda takes after his mother when it comes to food.


think over




When her parents suggested selling her Pokemon cards, Minjo thought it over.


turn down




My crush turned me down after I asked her out.


throw away


처리하다, 버리다


Would you throw that old bread away?


top off


(특별하게) 채우다


I will top off your beverage.


wait on




Bill eagerly waited the customers for a big tip.

